Do you need a Travel Testing Certificate?
The world is changing and yes it is imperative that all travelers have a way to measure their risk of contracting a virus like Covid-19. So now it is possible for you to get tested and to be informed to know what to do to protect yourself and your family from this disease. Travelers will learn the facts from doctors or from approved online websites about their exposure to this disease and what to do about it. This information will help them prepare for future trips, reduce their risk of getting sick, and take precautions to prevent passing the deadly virus on to others.
Travel testing is offered by numerous providers. Now it is required to get tested before traveling to various destinations and to have a negative COVID-19 test. Multiple mobile-testing providers provide free Covid-19 travel testing accessible by appointment, in-home, or walk-through.
Also going on holidays involves other medical issues and testing, many travelers get checked in for flights, only to find out later they are not allowed to fly because they have a visible symptoms for Covid-19 or maybe chronic condition like HIV/AIDS or diabetes. It can be very stressful trying to figure out the next step in your travel itinerary. Plus with a little bit of help from your doctor, you should be able to determine if you will have to take an STD (Sexually transmitted diseases) exam before getting a travel clearance. If so, you should schedule that exam the day before your flight. If not, take that into consideration when choosing the flight schedule and time.
With most medical screening, travelers get tested for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. Usually, hepatitis C and HIV are not tested for until the traveler has been symptomatic for six months or more. Travelers who are HIV positive may want to consider seeking out early HIV pre-screening tests to determine if they have already had exposure. Also, most STD clinics offer STD testing upon request to those who travel. To determine if you need to schedule an STD test just ask the clinic where you will be going for further information.
When travelers schedule their first appointment for STD testing, they usually make a special just for them. Some health urgent care centers have special areas just for travelers who need testing. If you have your own appointment made just for you, it can help ease the stress of traveling. If you arrive late to your first appointment, you may have to wait on the spot for a while before finding out if you actually need to be tested for one or not. That is why it is better to arrive a little early for your appointment.
Once you are sure that you do need to be tested, then you need to choose a good testing location. Choose a place close to your home or hotel in case you can’t go through the process at the testing location. It would also be helpful to bring along some personal items with you so you can be transported to the testing location in privacy. Be sure to bring a recent photo of yourself. Your health insurance or passport will most likely cover part or all of the cost of the STD testing.
Some travelers choose to abstain from STD testing altogether. Although this option may seem better, it could create problems later in the trip. For instance, if you have an underlying health condition before you travel to another country, it could affect your ability to acclimate to new environments. Travelers who choose to abstain from pre-travel exams should also be careful about returning home. Since some cultures require abstinence, you could face fines and penalties if you are caught engaging in sexual activity while you are abroad. If you think that you might contract an STD in another country, you should consult with your doctor about further testing or quarantine.
Many people opt to undergo STD tests on their own before they leave for vacation. Some do this because they are concerned about being exposed to the disease while they are abroad. Others simply do not know that they are at risk and therefore do not go through with it. Individuals whose health is already affected by a current illness should visit an emergency medical facility for an HIV or Hepatitis exam or quarantine themselves if they have an immediate concern.